Starting Monday, February 10th, OVMS will be hosting the Patriot Games during our Patriot PRIDE Time.
Students will be participating in a variety of competitions to help us get through the long weeks of winter. Patriot Games will consist of the following competitions: checkers, euchre, Mario Kart, free-throw competition, Rubix Cube competition, Minute-to-Win It Games, and relay races at the pep session on February 18th.
In the spirit of the games, here are the spirit days for the next seven school days.

Congratulations to OVMS 8th grader, Layla Davis. Layla received an Outstanding Performer Award at today's Show Choir Competition.
OVMS Show Choir competed at the Pike Music Fest at Pike High School in Indianapolis

On Thursday, OVMS honored twenty-four students with the True Patriot Award.
The True Patriot Award is given to students who have exemplified the following characteristics:
Academic Effort
Great Behavior

We are extremely proud of our OVMS Patriots. Last semester 200 out of 320 students did not receive an office discipline referral. For their behavior, the student body was treated to ice cream or a slushy on Friday!
Way to go, Patriots!

For our girls basketball 8th grade night, we are hosting Edgewood! Our theme for the night will be WHITE OUT! We would love to see the stands filled with this t-shirt. If you would like to purchase a shirt, please fill out this form and send in payment by 2/4. The cost of each shirt is $12. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks can be made out to OVMS Athletics.
**If you are purchasing more than one shirt, please fill out a form for each shirt.

Maddy took Mr. Ruble up on his challenge. Mr. Ruble challenged his students to dress up for their presentations in history class. Maddy dressed up and presented on Nathan Hale, a patriot and Revolutionary War captian. Maddy wore the costume all day. way to go, Maddy!

Welcome back, Patriots! We are excited to begin the second half of the 2024-2025 school year.
Construction is winding down. Over Christmas Break our contractor was able to get a majority of the major projects completed including new flooring between the new administrative offices and the library. There are only minor things that remain along with shelving and furniture for the library. And here is the part you'll be interested in. With construction coming to an end, we are lifting the open toe shoe restriction. Students may wear their open toe shoes starting tomorrow (yes, we know the weather will be a bit chilly).
With the new semester comes some new changes. First, we happy to offer a JAG Program (Jobs for Americas Graduates) at the middle school. JAG will focus on helping students improve their academics, attendance, and decrease discipline referrals. Our specialist is Joel Freeman. Mr. Freeman is an assistant football coach at OVMS.
Finally, as we embark on the new semester tomorrow, I encourage you to log on to PowerSchool and check your schedules. There may have been some changes cover Christmas Break to your schedule, and I'm sure you may have forgotten where you need to report.
We will operate on a 2-hour delay schedule tomorrow. Students will report directly to 1st period in the morning! Stay warm tonight, and we look forward to seeing you in the morning.
Tom Arthur, Principal

OVMS Robotics class is wrapping up the semester with their final projects.

OVMS Student Council sponsored a food drive for the month of December to support the Mark of Discipleship Food Pantry.
OVMS PRIDE Classes donated a total of 472 cans of food.

OVMS Choirs performed at their annual Holiday Concert on Sunday, December 8th.
It is always great to see how their hard work pays off.

OVMS Student Council is sponsoring their Annual Food Drive beginning on Tuesday, December 3rd.
Students are encouraged to turn in canned food items to their PRIDE teacher. The PRIDE class that collects the most canned food will receive a pizza party after Christmas Break.
The food drive will continue through December 16th.

Photos from the OVMS Veterans Day Program on November 11th.
It was our pleasure to honor those who have served our country.
Photo Credits: Matthew Beckwith, OVMS Teacher

OVMS Honored students who earned all As and Bs for the first grading period.

OVMS Honored students who earned All A Honor Roll for the first grading period.

OVMS 7th graders have experienced archery this week in PE.
Studemts have been taught how to shoot as well as archery safety.
OVMS will have an archery team starting in the 2025-2026 school year.

OVMS inducted 13 new members in the National Junior Honor Society. NJHS members must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and exhibit experience in NJHS pillars: leadership, citizen character, service, and scholarship.

OVMS has coaching positions available. To apply, please send a letter of interest and resume to April Walker at awalker@socs.k12.in.us and OVMS Athletic Director Jaclyn Totten at jtotten@socs.k12.in.us.

Indiana Code (I.C. 20-34-3-12) requires public school corporations to conduct a near and distant visual acuity screening for students in kindergarten or first grade, third, fifth, and eighth grades, as well as students suspected of having a visual deficit.
For Owen Valley Middle School, vision screenings will take place at the school on November 18th, 2024. This service is being provided by the Spencer Lions Club. If you do not want your child to participate in the screening, please let your child’s school nurse know prior to the screening date in writing.
Results of the screening will be sent home with your child as soon as they are available. If you have any questions, please contact the SOCS corporation nurse, Sarah Wall, at (812) 828-6000 or swall@socs.k12.in.us.

The Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG) Workforce Training Specialist I is responsible for providing JAG services within a specific Middle School in Region 8. The JAG Workforce Training Specialist I is a year-round position. This position requires building relationships with educational institutions, employers, community organizations and the participating JAG school personnel. This position is responsible for fully implementing the JAG Model in an assigned school and achieving process standards and performance goals. This is a teaching position requiring daily classroom instruction of students to develop education and career skills.
To Apply, please visit: https://www.higheredjobs.com/details.cfm?JobCode=178972549

A few pictures from OVMS Costumes. Students enjoyed the day, including a staff Inflatables race. Check out the race by clicking the link below: