Mrs. Hayes’ class designed shipping containers to keep their chips safe. Most arrived in good shape! #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
chip project
Students in Mrs. Boltinghouse’s class worked with partners to solve math problems around the room. #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
This week’s SEL lessons focused on goal setting and creating a one word visual to support these individual plans. We can’t wait to see what the students choose for themselves! #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
goal setting
Starting the girls’ basketball season with a scrimmage tonight. Ready to get this season started! #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Happy New Year to our OVMS families and friends. #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
new year
Athletic events for OVMS athletes for January. #socsowen #beawesometoday
over 2 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
sports schedule
Wishing our students, families, staff, and friends the happiest of holidays this Christmas! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
merry Christmas
OV Band directors, Dylan Cramer and Chris Halstead, attended the Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic in Chicago this year. They met up with talented individuals from all over and are bringing lots of ideas back for our students. #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
band PD
Our student athletes work hard both in the classroom and on their sport. Way to go, Hannah! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Our YES crew and Nate’s Candy came through for our staff gifts this year. We have the best team at OVMS and they are certainly appreciated! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
making signs
making signs
Students in WIN classes utilized our maker space (YES room) to create special gifts. #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Students in Ms. Martin’s art class recently completed their tic-tac-toe board projects. They turned out amazing! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Last official event before the end of the first semester! Go OV! Alex won the half court contest at halftime! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Reminder! All Spencer-Owen Schools will be closed for Christmas Break starting (tomorrow) Friday, December 17, 2021. School will resume on Monday, January 3, 2022.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
winter break
OVMS is fortunate to have a team of caring administrators looking out for our students. We have had a great time being festive with our spirit days leading up to Christmas break! #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Mrs. Heckman rewarded her students for completing their assignments on time by treating them to chocolate chip pancakes. #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Thursday, our last day of the semester, is Christmas Vacation! Wear your Hawaiian shirts or island attire. #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
merry Christmas
Madyx, a member of the 7th grade team, is sporting some of the OV swag he won during the popular half court shot contest at halftime of the 8th grade game tonight. #socsowen #beawesometoday
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
Tomorrow is the last day of school for this year! Our lost and found is full of great winter items! Please have your student check to see if any of them belong to you! #socsowen
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
lost and found
lost and found
4-H in person book club @ the Owen County Public Library. Reading The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket. RSVP on event page or call the Ext Office at 812-829-5020. You don’t have to be a 4-H member to participate. Limited copies of the book at the library or find it online.
almost 3 years ago, Lisa Eldridge
book study