Kindergarten Registration Dates Announced

Mark your calendars for the 2024 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION!

Children must be 5 years old by August 1, 2024 to be eligible for kindergarten. To schedule a kindergarten screening, please call the school that serves your area.

📍Spencer Elementary School
April 11 and April 12

📍Gosport Elementary School
April 15 and April 16

📍McCormick's Creek Elementary School
April 15 and April 16

📍Patricksburg Elementary School
April 17 and April 18

✏️Required Paperwork:

▪️Child's Birth Certificate
▪️Child's Social Security Card
▪️Current Vaccination Record
▪️Proof of Residency (Electric Bill, etc.)
▪️Custodial Papers, if necessary

📣Preschool and PreK Registration will be announced at a later date.